Ubuntu insights, Programming in groovy, java, et als!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Command Pattern in java/groovy

Command pattern encapsulates a request. A command pattern maybe used whenever there is a Sender, Receiver who communicate via a request (let's call it command). Assume, we simulate the game of cricket via a Simulator class which sends commands  to the Batsman objects to play certain shots. Each shot is a command given by the simulator to a batsman.

interface Shot{
public void execute();

class CoverDrive implements Shot{

private Batsman batter;

public void execute(){

class straightDrive implements Shot{

private Batsman batter;

public void execute(){

class Batsman{

def playCoverDrive(){
println("Cover drive")

def playStraightDrive(){
println("Cover drive")

class BatSimulator{

Shot shot

def play(){

// main - groovy script start

def sachin = new Batsman()
def command = new CoverDrive(batter : sachin)
def simulator = new BatSimulator(shot : command)

Monday, December 15, 2014

Write a custom event handler in groovy/java

One may write a couple of classes and an interface to achieve event handling without having to implement the Observable/Observer interface. Assume, we have a computer that runs several processes. If it receives a shutdown command, we fire an event to let the running process handle its own clean up method to release resources and halt execution.

interface ShutdownListener{
    public void handle();

public class Computer{

    private def listeners = []

    def addShutdownListener(ShutdownListener l){

    def shutdown(){
for(ShutdownListener l : listeners)

    def compute(){ // whatever  }


public class Process implements ShutdownListener{

    public void handle(){
// release resources of "this" Process 
// halt execution of self
println("Process ended.");

//groovy script start 
def computer = new Computer()
def process = new Process()